22nd August 2015: Website completely updated with all stage one events and artworks 25th September 2014: Beautiful Resting Place...
Essay by Gill Saunders, Senior Curator, Prints and Drawings, V&A London
Resting PlaceThough it is now a century distant from us and has thus passed almost entirely from living memory, the First World War still...
On wishing her goodbye
'On wishing her goodbye' was a resounding success with 72 bunting flags received for the project from around the UK. These were made up...
Ellington Park: Comments
The first Resting Place performance event took place on 23rd March 2014. The weather could have been better, very cold and blustery and a...
An introduction to the project by Dawn Cole
Resting Place began it's life as a project two years ago with much of the early research and development recorded on my blog. These first...